L7's First IDO, NEO FANTASY, Raises $1.37M in 10 Hours

2024-3-6 09:54| 作者:洞悉财经| 查看:10756| 评论:0|
摘要:On March 3, 2024, L7 DEX, part of the L7 Web3 digital asset management and aggregation platform ecosystem, launched its IDO Launchpad. NEO FANTASY (ERT7), the first project to go live, quickly garnere ...

On March 3, 2024, L7 DEX, part of the L7 Web3 digital asset management and aggregation platform ecosystem, launched its IDO Launchpad. NEO FANTASY (ERT7), the first project to go live, quickly garnered significant attention, selling over 80% of its tokens in less than 10 hours. By 5 PM on March 4, the sales had reached $1.37 million, with a funding ratio of 137.2%, indicating that the seven-day IDO had already surpassed its target on day one.

This IDO released 1 million ERT7 tokens, about 47.6% of the total supply, with a goal to raise $1 million at the TGE. The actual fundraising exceeded expectations, reaching $1.37 million. As of this writing, the numbers continue to climb, exceeding projections.


L7 DEX IDO Launchpad

L7 is web3 digital asset management and traffic aggregation platform, dedicated to providing global investors with digital asset investment and allocation services. Leveraging its rich industry resources and extensive network, we offer a diverse range of investment solutions, including venture capital in digital assets, startup incubation, and financial management.

The L7 ecosystem encompasses a wide array of projects, including CEX, DEX, crypto cards, and global investments, among others. Notably, L7 DEX stands out as a decentralized trading platform integrating spot, IDO, and contract trading. It aims to offer all-encompassing IDO services and incubation solutions for premier Web3 projects. With the launch of the IDO Launchpad on March 3, 2024, L7 DEX is set to continuously identify and support high-quality Web3 startups, providing global users with primary market participation opportunities and aiding in the rapid development of quality projects in the bull market.


NEO FANTASY is an original IP idle, turn-based card game. Players will collect NFT cards of various races, dynamically adjust their lineup and strategy according to the battlefield, and continually strengthen their team to achieve victory in both PvE and PvP. Rewards include ERT7 Tokens, EXP, Enhance Stone, and Hero Shards. By utilizing decentralized game assets and a robust economic model, players can experience fun and create value within the game.

1)Artistic Excellence

NEO FANTASY's visuals are crafted by leading artists, setting a competitive standard on a global scale.

2)Immersive Gameplay

Developed by experienced game creators, the game offers a complex and rich system.

3)Revolutionary P2E System

NEO FANTASY is a native GameFi economic system designed to optimize the P2E experience while retaining core gaming attributes.


With the IDO Launching, L7 is pioneering Value Discovery in Web3

The success of NEO FANTASY's IDO reinforces L7's strategic decision to initiate its IDO business segment at the onset of a bull market and its keen project selection acumen. Looking ahead, L7 is poised to unveil more valuable and promising projects to the global community. Additionally, L7 will refine its IDO project vetting process, evaluating aspects such as product technology, development teams, tokenomics, community engagement, and social media presence. By aligning with current industry trends and hot topics, L7 aims to safeguard participants in IDO public offerings, maximizing potential wealth gains.

With NEO FANTASY setting a precedent, L7's IDO Launchpad aspires to be Web3's foremost beacon of value discovery and insight, swiftly bringing premium assets to market. By supporting the ascent of quality projects in the bull market and offering global users prime investment opportunities, L7 aims for mutual prosperity and success across the Web3 ecosystem.

上一篇:2024大浪已至,展望TSP 百亿美金独角兽机遇下一篇:上線不到10小時,L7首個IDO項目NEO FANTASY超額募資137萬美元
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