L7 Launchpad's first IDO project, NEO FANTASY (ERT7), successfully raises $4.11 million.

2024-3-11 09:48| 作者:洞悉财经| 查看:10938| 评论:0|
摘要:On March 3, 2024, L7 DEX, part of the L7 Web3 digital asset management and aggregation platform ecosystem, launched its IDO Launchpad. The first IDO, NEO FANTASY (ERT7), successfully completed its 7-d ...

On March 3, 2024, L7 DEX, part of the L7 Web3 digital asset management and aggregation platform ecosystem, launched its IDO Launchpad. The first IDO, NEO FANTASY (ERT7), successfully completed its 7-day IDO fundraising, reaching a total of $4.11 million by 19:17 on March 9th, achieving a funding ratio of 411.04% with over 3,500 participating addresses.

This IDO issued a total of 1 million ERT7 tokens, accounting for 47.6% of its total supply, with an issuance price of 1 USDT per token. With a target fundraising amount of $1 million, the actual funds raised amounted to $4.11 million. Following the IDO, the ERT7 token is scheduled to be listed on PancakeSwap for trading (USDT/ERT7 pair) on March 11th at 19:17.

In 2024, L7 plans to closely monitor and support promising startup projects within the Web3 space, intending to launch a series of IDOs. Following the successful fundraising for NEO FANTASY, L7 has received numerous collaboration proposals. The L7 IDO team is currently conducting thorough evaluations and meticulous planning for the upcoming projects set to launch on the IDO platform.


L7 DEX IDO Launchpad

L7 is a web3 digital asset management and traffic aggregation platform, dedicated to providing global investors with digital asset investment and allocation services. Leveraging its rich industry resources and extensive network, we offer a diverse range of investment solutions, including venture capital in digital assets, startup incubation, and financial management.

The L7 ecosystem encompasses a wide array of projects, including CEX, DEX, crypto cards, and global investments, among others. Notably, L7 DEX stands out as a decentralized trading platform integrating spot, IDO, and contract trading. It aims to offer all-encompassing IDO services and incubation solutions for premier Web3 projects. With the launch of the IDO Launchpad on March 3, 2024, L7 DEX is set to continuously identify and support high-quality Web3 startups, providing global users with primary market participation opportunities and aiding in the rapid development of quality projects in the bull market.



NEO FANTASY is an original IP idle, turn-based card game. Players will collect NFT cards of various races, dynamically adjust their lineup and strategy according to the battlefield, and continually strengthen their team to achieve victory in both PvE and PvP. Rewards include ERT7 Tokens, EXP, Enhance Stone, and Hero Shards. By utilizing decentralized game assets and a robust economic model, players can experience fun and create value within the game.

1)Artistic Excellence

NEO FANTASY's visuals are crafted by leading artists, setting a competitive standard on a global scale.

2)Immersive Gameplay

Developed by experienced game creators, the game offers a complex and rich system.

3)Revolutionary P2E System

NEO FANTASY is a native GameFi economic system designed to optimize the P2E experience while retaining core gaming attributes.

Leveraging IDO Waves: Unleashing Competitive Differentiation

Amid the bull market's surge, the excitement isn't just in the secondary market; the primary market holds significant opportunities as well. By identifying projects with short lock-up periods and investing in tokens at their launch prices, investors can reap rewards from both markets, boosting their profit ratios and surpassing overall market performance. In these rare market cycles, seizing the chance to amplify wealth is key to achieving financial growth.

L7 Website: https://www.l7.finance/

L7 DEX:https://app.l7dex.com/launchpad

Twitter: https://twitter.com/L7_Global

Telegram: https://t.me/L7_Official

Discord: https://discord.gg/l7official

上一篇:全新IDO板塊啟動,L7成為Web3最敏銳的價值發現者下一篇:L7首個IDO專案NEO FANTASY完成411萬美元募資
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